Grand Journal of Urology
E-ISSN : 2757-7163

Author Instructions

Submission of an article indicates that the related work has not been published before, is not intended to be published elsewhere, and has been approved by all co-authors and responsible authorities at the institution where the study was carried. If any claim is made, the publisher will not be held legally responsible.

Manuscript Submission

Articles should be prepared following the guidelines of ICMJE- Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing, and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals (updated December 2019- Authors should prepare papers by following CONSORT guidelines ( for randomized research studies, STROBE guidelines ( for original observational research studies, STARD guidelines ( for studies on diagnostic accuracy, PRISMA guidelines for systematic reviews and meta-analysis (, ARRIVE guides for experimental animal studies ( and TREND directives for non-randomized public behavior  (

Manuscript Preparation

Manuscripts submitted to the journal will initially go through a technical evaluation process by the Editorial Assistant to confirm that the article has been prepared and submitted by the journal's guidelines. Manuscripts that do not comply with the journal's guidelines will be returned to the sending author with technical correction requests. The corresponding author should review the following checklist before sending the article to our journal to avoid additional article evaluation problems.

1. Title Page

- Turkish (if the article is sent from Turkey) and English title of the article.

- Turkish (if the article is sent from Turkey) and English short title of the article, not exceeding 50 characters.

- Authors' names, institutions and ORCID IDs.

- Name, institution, e-mail, mobile phone and address of the corresponding author.

2. Main Text

- Manuscript must be written and sent on the Microsoft Word program.

- 12 font size, Times New Roman should be used in the text.

- Line breaks must be double spaced type.

- At least 2.5 cm margins must be left on all sides of each page.

- If there is, figure should be sent separately, it should not be in the main text.

- If there is, table should be in the main text.

- All references, tables and figures should be cited in the main text and numbered according to the order they appear in the main text.

- Abbreviations should be defined when first mentioned and then used consistently.

- Abbreviations should not be used in the title. Abbreviations can be used if they occur three or more times in the abstract, but must be re-introduced in the main text.

- Footnotes can be used to provide additional information, which may include a quotation of a reference in the reference list. It should not consist of just one reference and never include bibliographic details of a reference. It should also not contain any figures or tables.

- When referring to a drug, product, hardware, or software program, product information, including the name of the product, the manufacturer of the product, and the city of the company (including the state in the USA) and country, should be specified in parentheses.

- The limitations of the original articles should be declared in the Discussion section before the conclusion paragraph.

- There should be no information that could indicate a person or organization to ensure a blind assessment process.

- Tables and figures should be numbered with parentheses in the text.

The main text should contain the following sections in order:


Original articles and review articles should be a maximum of 300 words and structured (Objective, Methods, Results, Conclusion). Case reports should have a maximum of 200 words and be unstructured. If the article is sent from Turkey, Turkish abstract should be sent (Amaç, Gereçler ve Yöntemler, Bulgular, Sonuç).


4 to 6 keywords, can be used for indexing purposes should be provided. Keywords should be selected from Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) databases prepared by the National Library of Medicine (NLM).

What is Medical Subject Headings (MeSH)? is a wide range of medical-biological terms list used for the classification of articles in main international article search directories and databases, aimed to standardize medical-biological terminology and updated continuously, from which keywords of English articles can be chosen.


Original Article: It is the most crucial article type since it provides new data based on original research. The main text should be structured with the subtitles of Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, and Conclusion.

Statistical analysis is often required to support the results. It should be done according to international statistical reporting standards. Information on statistical analysis should be given under a separate subtitle under the Material and Methods section, and the statistical methods applied during the process should be specified.

Editorial Comment: It aims to present a brief critical comment on the research article published in the journal by experts or highly reputable reviewers. The authors are selected and invited by the journal to provide such comments. It does not include abstract, keyword, table, figure, image, and other media elements.

Review Article: Reviews prepared by authors with excellent knowledge in a particular field and a high scientific background are welcomed. The journal can also invite these authors. Reviews should describe, discuss, and evaluate the current knowledge level of one subject in clinical practice and guide prospective studies. The main text should be structured with the subtitles of Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, and Conclusion.

Case Report: Rare cases, situations that pose difficulties in diagnosis and treatment, cases that offer new treatments or reveal information not included in the literature are considered. The main text should contain the subtitles Introduction, Case Presentation, and Discussion.

Clinical Image: Texts containing original, exciting, and high-quality clinical images for educational purposes and educational significance. Any information that could identify the patient or hospital, including the date, should be removed from the images. An abstract is not required for such articles.

Letters to the Editor: This type of article discusses essential parts, overlooked aspects, or missing parts of a previously published article. Readers can also submit their comments on published articles as "Letters to the Editor." It does not include abstract, keyword, table, figure, image, and other media elements. The text must be unstructured. The commented article should be appropriately quoted in this article. 


Restrictions by Article Type

Article Type Number of Authors Font Word Summary of Word Source Table Figure-Image
Research  12  4000  450  30  5  7
Review  5  5000  400  100  5  10
Case Report  8  1500  250  15  1  5
Clinical Image  5  500  N/A  10  0  5
Letters to the Editor  5  500  N/A  5  1  1


Acknowledgments (If Available)

All participants who do not meet the authorship criteria (ICMJE: authorship and contributorship) and conflict of interest and financial statement, must be submitted under this subheading.

Ethics Approval

Ethics committee approval is required in accordance with the National Ulakbim TR Index criteria for research/original article studies using patients' data, even if they are retrospective, and this approval document should be attached when submitting the article (For more information:

Conflict of Interest

Authors must indicate the existence of a conflict of interest. If there is no conflict of interest, it should be declared (For more information:

Financial Disclosure

Institutions supporting the research should be defined. If there is no supporting institution, it should be declared (For more information:


Manuscripts should be edited according to the Elsevier-Vancouver reference style.

-References should be numbered in square brackets in the text.

[1], [3-5], [6,9], [8-12,16].

- Articles with six and fewer authors

[1] Guner E, Seker KG, Arikan Y, Huseynov C, Sam E, Ozdal OL. Aktuelle Urol. 2020; 51: 285-289.

- Article with more than six authors

[2] Karabulut D, Karabulut U, Caglar FN, Ekşi M, Yenice MG, Guner E, et al.  The association between CHA2DS2-VASc score and erectile dysfunction: a cross-sectional study. Int Braz J Urol. 2019; 45: 1204-1208. / S1677-5538.IBJU.2019.0058.

- Book

[3] Sweetman SC. Martindale the Complete Drug Reference. 34th ed. London: Pharmaceutical Press; 2005.

- Book chapter

[4] McKenna K. Ejaculation. In: Knobil E, Neil J, editors. Encyclopedia of Reproduction, New York: Academic Press; 1999, p. 1002-8.

Figure Legends

Descriptions of the figures related to the article should be written in order under this title.


- All tables should be numbered with Arabic numerals.

- Tables should always be defined in consecutive numerical order in the text.

- A table title explaining the components of the table should be provided for each one.

- Table footnotes should be indicated with lowercase letters (or asterisks for significance values and other statistical data) and placed under the table.

3. Cover Letter

- The cover letter should include the article's title, the article type, and the corresponding author's full name.

-The corresponding author should shortly summarize why his/her article is a worthy contribution to the scientific literature.

- The cover letter should contain a statement of whether there is a conflict of interest or not.

- The corresponding author should make a declaration that the article is not currently published elsewhere, accepted, or reviewed simultaneously.

- The place and date of presentation of manuscripts presented before as verbal or poster should be indicated on the cover letter.

4. Copyright Agreement and Author Contribution Form

Copyright Agreement and Author Contribution Form should be attached when submitting the article (For more information:

The ICMJE recommends authorship to be based on the following four criteria:

-Substantial contributions to the conception or design of the work; or the acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data for the work;

-Drafting the work or revising it critically for important intellectual content;

-Final approval of the version to be published;

-Agreement to be accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved.

5. Figure (if any)

- All figures should be numbered with Arabic numerals.

- Figures should always be defined in consecutive numerical order in the text.

- Figures, graphics, and photographs must be submitted as separate files (in TIFF or JPEG format) via the application system.

- Files should not be embedded in a Word document or the main document.

- Thick and thin arrows, arrowheads, stars, asterisks, and similar marks can be used in images to support shape legends.

- For histological slides, the staining method and magnification level should be defined.

- To ensure a blind evaluation process, all data that could symbolize a person or organization should be removed from the posted images.

- High-resolution image files are not preferred in the first submission as the file sizes can be large. After acceptance, the authors can be requested that all figures have a minimum resolution of 300 DPI.

- Figure legends should be listed at the end of the main document.

Peer Review Process

Peer review is an integral part of scientific publishing that confirms the validity of the manuscript. Independent researchers in the relevant research area assess submitted manuscripts for originality, validity, and significance to help editors determine whether a manuscript should be published in their journal.

After receipt of the article through the electronic submission system, it will be considered by Assistant Editor. The texts will be checked in terms of accordance with Journal's Instructions for Authors format and plagiarism by using iThenticate similarity Check system for identifying. After the first check, the Assistant Editor will forward the relevant articles to the Editor-in-Chief. The Editor-in-Chief will check the article in terms of Journal’s scope, style and format, originality, and scientific quality. Each manuscript will be sent to at least two external, independent reviewers who are experts in their fields by the Editor-in-Chief/Associate Editors to guarantee a double-blind evaluation process. Evaluating the articles in a short period of 4-6 weeks by the reviewers and sending feedback to the authors is a policy considered by the journal for the fast publication process.

We are applying the same steps to the double-blind peer-review process when we got the in-house submission.


When sending a revised version of an article, a response to reviewers letter should be sent to in which all the criticisms put forward by the referees are evaluated and commented individually. Simultaneously, the changes made should be specified in the text by marking them in red. An article must be re-submitted within 30 days of being sent to the author(s) for revision. If the author (s) think that additional time is required, they must demand this extension before the first 30 days expires.

After Acceptance

Corrected proof will be sent to the corresponding author via e-mail within a maximum of 2 weeks following acceptance. Editors can make corrections in the text content (word or grammatical errors, etc.) without changing the main text and the articles' corrected version is shared for the author's approval as the final corrected proof. The final correction is for checking the typographical or conversion errors and the text, tables, and figures' completeness and accuracy. Notable changes to the content (new results, revised values, title, or author add/remove) are not permitted without the editor's approval. Please do note that corrections are no longer possible after the first online publication. Any additional corrections after online publication require editor approval.


The author (s) and the editorial board's duties and responsibilities through the withdrawal of a study or article under Grand Journal of Urology’s publication policies are given below.

The articles can be withdrawn after acceptance until corrected proof are sent by the author(s) to the editorial office. After this stage, the article's withdrawal will only be approved for the most compelling and inevitable reasons. Author (s) who prefer to request a withdrawal of their manuscript is obliged to fill in the Withdrawal Form, declaring the reasons and submit the scanned version signed with each author's original signature to the editorial board e-mail at If the reason is acceptable, the author may retract the article without any penalty for withdrawal. Unless the withdrawal request of manuscripts whose copyrights have been transferred to Grand Journal of Urology is approved, the author(s) cannot send their work to another journal for evaluation.