Grand Journal of Urology
E-ISSN : 2757-7163



Dear Colleagues,

I am honored to share with you the second issue of the Grand Journal of Urology (Grand J Urol) with the contributions of valuable researchers and scientists. The journal is an open access, peer-reviewed journal and is published online in English three times a year (January, May and September).

The Grand Journal of Urology (GJU) brings written and visual scientific urology studies to academic platforms and makes significant contributions to the science of urology. In addition, GJU adds a new momentum to academic activities with its unique style.

After the first issue of our journal, valuable academicians from Autria, Germany, France, Italy and China joined the article review and advisory boards. In the meantime, I would proudly like to state that our journal has started to be indexed in the SCILIT database (an open-access scholarly database, Basel, Switzerland) and ScienceGate.

In this second issue of our journal, there are many valuable articles under the subheadings of Genitourinary Radiology, Urological Oncology, General Urology, Andrology and Pediatric Urology. I hope these articles will provide important contributions to our dear readers and researchers.

On this occasion, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to our authors who have contributed to our journal with their articles, to our reviewers who have meticulously evaluate the articles, to our designers and to our publisher.

Respectfully yours
May 2021
Assoc. Prof. Ekrem GUNER, MD

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